Violin Niccolo Paganini
The mystery of the violin Niccolo Paganini
Only once a year in the municipality of Genoa opens the cherished door of a small vault, where in special temperature conditions kept the violin, which bequeathed to the native city Niccolo Paganini. It is solemnly transferred only for one concert to the best violinist virtuoso, Zasluzhivshemu this high honor at the international competition named the greatest Genujezca, who the city and Italy on the whole world.
Violin master Guarneri del Gesu, today the world is the greatest rarity. Their units remain. And one of them, the most famous, is again at large. And it looks like Niccolo just deposited it yesterday. And there is a feeling that she still keeps the warmth of his hands.
The bow glided easily through the strings and the hall was filled with magic sounds, as if its owner himself invisibly returned with her to this huge concert hall. Now they’re back together. On stage. Conquer listeners with their game, as in the old, good times.
Still remembers Europe, although it passed after his death for more than 160 years, the unique sound of the strings of this truly magical musical violin. Marrya not only call to sing, but also mutely cry, as if complaining about his hard nomadic life. The musical theme suddenly changes and sounded affirming melody of the famous “Campanella”-“Bell”-is Rondo from his second Concerto for Violin and orchestra. The listeners are delighted. Bravo, Bravissimo… These exclamations do not leave the walls of the concert hall for a long time.
And Niccolo, having removed in a room of rest, hears these sounds of delight and together with them it is not cease to sound in his memory ringing of church bells. It was this jingle that heralded his first appearance in the church when he was only nine years old. It was the summer of 1791 years. He, this ringing, accompanies him all his life. And always at this time it is remembered to him that dark cubby where in a distant childhood lock his father, until he will learn the task. The story of his childhood is a story about a boy and a violin and their nascent friendship. From now on they will always be together. Because the young soul of Niccolo managed to open in this affectionately sparkling instrument kindred to him soul and to merge with it together. And this is exactly the phenomenon that allowed Zavistnikam and his friends to accuse him of selling the soul to the devil. Although his soul was as beautiful as the incomparable beauty of the violin, but the appearance was the opposite: his pale and vylytsyuvate face with a pointed nose, and the dark hair hanging down to the shoulders, and conspicuous in the eyes of the thinness body-the result of childhood, and communication with peers. From four years his father Antonio, shopkeeper-loser, a big fan of music began to teach his middle son Nick to play the violin. These classes took up to eight hours a day. And for disobedience lock son in a dark closet together with a violin. And if the words Niccolo could not contradict the father, but the full program expressed his resentment through the sounds of the violin. She roared and whistled, oinked and squealeded, and the father at that time closed his eyes from anticipated pleasure, for the outstanding future of his son. A subtle connoisseur of music and a connoisseur of natural talent he foresaw that his son would help him in the future to get out of the bog poverty in which he had to vegetate together with three children.
It is quite possible that from early childhood, except violin, Niccolo had no friends, he could not imagine his life without a violin. And she, in return, only he touched the podborodniku of the instrument, and caressed her strings, revived. And now in all power, in Uttermost Silence, the Restless soul of the violinist virtuoso sounded. Not indifferent to a single listener. Even recognized violinists world virtuosos recognized for Niccolo primacy. It is quite possible that the history of the Red Violin Paganini began on the big scenes of Europe and firmly entered the musical life of the world. It is Paganini who owes the world his love for the unique sound of violin singing. Since then, and today, the world has become very prestigious to learn to play the violin.
Written by Eugen Schlee
Translated with bing.com