Types of guitar
Guitar in all its diversity!
The guitar has long been one of the most popular instruments among both beginners and experienced musicians. It is difficult for us to imagine sitting with friends at a campfire without sound of a guitar, which creates a transferable atmosphere of comfort. Also in a circle of various musical groups The guitar is most often irreplaceable tool.
Variety of Guitars
So, guitar is the concept of tensile. There are several kinds of this tool. The most common, and known almost everyone-is acoustic guitar. How does it work? Simply speaking, the strings that the musician jerks out sound. This sound, getting in the middle, or hollow body, through a special hole resonates and thus amplifies. Then the sound “comes out” of the guitar. This kind of guitars also differs from each other by a mass of features. For example, a form of a deck (body), a fretboard, a mechanic, and also a kind of wood from which the tool is made. Even designs may differ from each other. Most music stores provide a wide range of acoustic guitars of all kinds and configurations.
Another common kind of guitar, which is most often used by more sophisticated musicians, is an electric guitar. Since its ancestor is acoustics, the principles of their work are similar, but differ in some key points. So, how is the sound in the electric guitar extracted? When the musician pulls the strings, their sound catches a special guitar microphone, which is called pickup. It transmits this sound to the amplifier, which accordingly enhances it, and then from the speakers flows the stream of notes and melodies. As well as acoustics, electric guitars differ one from another, but the principle of their work remains the same. Since the guitar will not function without a special sound amplifier equipment, it is called Electric. The advantage of these guitars is that thanks to the special effects pedals and processors the guitarist can change or process the received sound. When pickup catches a melody, it signals the special device. The sound is transformed, and the speakers bring a completely new sound, unlike the “pure channel”. Thanks to the variety of such “lotions” electric guitar is used in almost all styles of music, which can not be said about the acoustic guitar.
Difficult choice
How to choose a guitar for yourself? You should consider a number of factors. Since each instrument is different, the first step is to decide what style of music it is intended to perform. The quality of a musical instrument is often determined by the manufacturer. Famous brands sometimes cost more than just because of their name, but it is not always worth it to save. Those who have been on the market for decades, and have won a good name, will not produce poor quality goods, and the risk of marriage is much less. It is important that the guitar is not pressed anywhere, it was convenient and enjoyable to play. Yes, sometimes I pick a guitar even in size. The height at which the strings are located should not exceed 2 mm for an electric guitar, and 3.5 mm on acoustics. In practice, these numbers may be larger. Again, this often depends on the manufacturer’s firm. Do not forget that every guitar, even the same manufacturer, is unique and different from all others.
Every day a huge number of guitars are sold around the world. The popularity of this tool is growing steadily, and it has already managed to occupy one of the main places in the world of music.