The story of the Boy and the violin
David Garrett-Miracle violinist
Do you believe in reincarnation? For a long time I did not believe in this nonsense. But having heard the unparalleled game of the modern violinist David Garrett believed. And I was even convinced that Niccolo Paganini himself was revived before us in a new guise. Too many coincidences…
And the more delved in David’s biography and his violin playing, the more convinced-nature, and the heavens once again gave the world a miracle. And this miracle appeared on the German land in the city of Aachen in 1980.
It surprises the fact that many pages of the life of the great violinist virtuoso and modern David coincide almost one to one. However, already in modern refraction. After all, two century difference in time. The state structure of former Italy and modern Germany is incomparable. Yes, and David’s parents are more secure people. Father-a successful lawyer-German burger. Engaged in the sale of violins. Very authoritarian. Very demanding in the upbringing of children. Mother is a famous ballerina born in America. But, as they say, “obsessed” on cleanliness. And if from mother David has inherited love to purity and order, in relation to the future to the children has given vow, to raise them more democratically.
David, like Niccolo, also has an older brother who has also specially bought a tool to start learning to play the violin. Then David was only four years. Seeing the brother of this unusual beauty tool, while retrieves such unusual sounds, the kid became very enviable and wanted to necessarily have this new, as he then fancied a toy. I will not say what quarrel happened between the brothers, how many tears, as it happens, was shed by the baby and what conclusions did the parents, but David won. And this decision was made only after when he lost all the sketches given to the eldest brother at home without a single mistake, from the first time in one fell swoop. In this way he not only surprised his parents, but also his older brother, who could not close his mouth with surprise.
Today, recalling that time, David told that as a child he tried to imitate his elder brother. And it is quite possible, if the brother played the piano, and he would also like to play on it. And the fact that he plays the violin is to blame, first of all, brother.
Now is the time to tell you the story of the boy and the violin.
Having started to learn to play the violin almost in the infancy, literally in a year of the child, which age did not exceed and five years, invite to participate in various musical competitions. Listeners, affectionate his talent and seeing in front of him this infantile miracle, generously awarded his turbulent ovation and long not let off the stage. Who knows, maybe it was this warm attitude and played a positive role in the development of talent of the young violinist. Apparently, then he realized that playing the violin, he brings joy not only to himself, but also to people. Quite possibly at that time he decided to devote his life to playing the violin completely. From now on the violin became the bright voice of his voices and thoughts. There was a wonderful merger of kindred souls, thanks to which are born geniuses.
But the essence of this genius is hidden in the tireless work on oneself and mastering the virtuoso game on the instrument. And at least it takes 5-6 hours a day. And, what is most important, brings the young violinist great pleasure and burning desire to comprehend all subtleties and nuances of musical skill. Sparing no time or effort. You can understand an adult with an established psyche in his quest to master the profession, but here it is a little boy. Almost a child. And it is this phenomenon that does not lend itself to normal comprehension. Only reincarnation. The return of the spirit of Niccolo Paganini in his face… Perhaps it is easier to explain the rapid rise of popularity (David Garrett)…
At the age of seven, David is already studying at the conservatory. Together with the general educational subjects comprehends a common musical certificate and under the guidance of experienced teachers comprehends the secret of playing the violin. In eight years soloist with world-famous symphony orchestras. In ten years, David studied in the class of Professor of the Cologne Conservatory of the legendary teacher of the class violin Zachary Nuhimovicha armor. Among his teachers are not only Zahar armor, but also the great performers Isaac Stern and Ida Handel. They perfectly understood that all the seeds of knowledge, which they diligently and patiently give to David, they invest in fertile soil.
All these years, David does not stop the concert activity. Its popularity is growing and expanding. He is not only the property of his country, but the whole of Europe. At the age of ten he soloist at a concert with the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra. At the age of 11 at the personal invitation of the President of Germany Richard von Vajczekkera gave a concert at Villa Hammerschmidt. And in recognition of his talent receives in person from the hands of the president priceless gift to violin Stradivari.
At the age of thirteen he became the youngest performer-violinist, with whom he concludes an exclusive contract with the German firm “Deutschegrammaphon”. At the age of sixteen he performs with the Philharmonic Orchestra of the city of Munich in Delhi and Bombay at concerts dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of India…
At the age of nineteen, David arrives at the Juilliard School of New York City in the music class of Professor Yitzhak Perlman. Here, for the development of composer talent, he comprehends the subtleties of musicology and composition. From now on he has two houses: in America and Germany. Although it is very difficult to find a house. The schedule of concerts around the world is too tight. And the tickets for his performances, according to the producer, are sold out for a year… He has millions of fans and all of them in anticipation of a real miracle, when the stage will come out their pet: a tall blonde, with the right and even beautiful features of the face and, wave bow fill the hall with enchanting and piercing sounds of music.
It is the catchy appearance of David distinguishes him from the idol, always shouldered and gloomy Niccolo Paganini. There is one more difference. He is a conductor of classical music in the youth environment. At the very beginning of the concert he starts with modern music and then gradually moves on to the classics. It sounds like Vivaldi Concerto in A minor for violin, Concerto for violin with Tchaikovsky Orchestra and, of course, Paganini. According to David, each virtuoso violinist must play the works of the great maestro, learn to fully concentrate on music, only then his technique will be good enough and he will be able to perform great music geniuses: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky…
To be closer to the youth and help her to love classical music he realized his long-standing dream-the creation of a musical project for young children in the Air Force program. Where for the first time the “Flight of Bumblebee” of the Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov played for the instrument’s capabilities. He played at such a fast pace that he was immediately introduced to the Guinness Book as the fastest and most skillful violin virtuoso in the world. Therefore, it is not accidental that his concerts are mostly attended by young people. And it is very pleasing to the master.
Written by Eugen Schlee
Translated with bing.com