The difference between ukulele and guitar
Ukulele is a guitar?
Ukulele is an unusual and interesting musical instrument. People often associate it with Hawaiian music, but nowadays it is widely used to play in all styles. The greatest popularity in the modern world ukulele has achieved thanks to low cost, ease of manufacture and easy technics of game.
The first ukuleles appeared in the Eighties of the nineteenth century after the Portuguese arrived in Hawaii. One version among them were several joiners who began to make musical instruments in the image and likeness of the Portuguese miniature guitars Kovakino and sold them among the local population. Hawaiians called the miniature guitar ukulele, which translates as “jumping flea”. Hawaiian Ukulele has become a popular instrument. The inhabitants of the islands played Folkljornuju music on the ukulele, but among them were individual musicians who developed their personal style. After the Panamanian Pacific Exhibition in San Francisco in the United States, where the Hawaiian music was held, the popularity of the ukulele increased dramatically.
The design of the ukulele is similar to the guitar. The main differences are the size of the case and the fact that there are only four strings in the ukulele. There are four types of ukuleles – soprano, concert, tenor and baritone ukulele. The first kind has the smallest among the brethren size-up to 53 centimeters. The other species have a larger size and a lower range. The body of the ukulele does not always make “Vosmjorkoj”, they are triangular, square, oval, there are even shells with a silhouette of pineapple. The interesting thing is that the square tools are often made from cigar boxes. Now some manufacturers produce unusual modifications of the tool: Шестиструнную ukulele “Gitarlele”, ukulele with the body balalaika, in the form of electric guitars like “Stratocaster”. All types of ukulele, except for the baritone are set up the same: salt-to-Mi-La. There is also an alternative way to build a ukulele – a tone higher than the standard system, i.e. a la-re-f sharp-si. The baritone ukulele is tuned as the four first strings of conventional guitars.
The technique of playing the ukulele is simple and straightforward. To play on it as a akkompanirujushhem instrument, the left hand clamped chords, which, by the way, is much easier to take than the guitar, and the index finger of the right hand make quick strokes up and down. For the game of solo parties most often used a mediator. The ukulele in its music was quite often used in jazz bands, where piano music podchjorkivalased with light and high chords on a small guitar. Gradually the world scene began to capture the guitar groups, using in their music electronic equipment-electric guitars, amplifiers, sound effects. In his work, the ukulele is used by many folk-bands, performers of country music and not only. On the Russian stage ukulele is represented by indie-folk groups SUN Dali and the retuses.
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