Steps to Music
How to direct a child to music
Many parents express the desire to send their kid to the music school, so that the child became part of the beautiful musical world and joined to it.
And such aspiration is certainly correct. Regardless of whether the child will be in the future to play in the orchestra or not, psychologists note a lot of useful qualities, the development of which is promoted by music. Children become smarter, more confident in themselves and, accordingly, responsible for the tasks and other people around them. Among other things, they “activate” other abilities and talents, which will give the opportunity to succeed in certain school subjects.
However, if the parents decided to take such a responsible step, the accession to “correct” music should take place almost from the diaper (it is best during the perinatal development of the fetus in the womb, which will listen to the classics). After all, as experts say, the earlier to reveal and develop musical talent of the Kid, the more chances that it is not necessary to force it to attend music lessons.
To this end, children’s psychologists, as well as music teachers, have developed a system of recommendations for those adult child relatives who wish to direct him to the musical path:
1. Own example.
Certainly in every house there were some musical instruments which were used by parents, often it is a guitar. If the “owners” did not learn to play, it is possible to involve children themselves to try to play. Eslizhe No tools, you can buy a children’s store simple children’s guitar or drums. Now even sold children’s pianos.
2. Listening to music.
During any home affairs (cooking, sewing, knitting) It is worth to include light classical music. The volume should be quiet and well perceived by the baby. It is important to the mother even before the child was born to listen to music. It will help to soothe and develop the nervous system of the baby, the harmony of the general body formation.
3. “Soul Talk”.
You’re not going to be nice. Therefore it is impossible to record a schoolboy of junior grades in music school independently. In the beginning it is necessary to speak to it, before it systematically visiting concerts of classical music. If the child expresses interest and does not naughty, eluding from an event, it is necessary to prepare it slowly to the future role of the musician’s pupil.
4. Help in choosing the direction.
It is natural that musical directions are too much, and the parent, if he does not have music education, can easily become entangled in all this diversity. So before you send your baby to the music school class, you need to consult with a specialist. Only he can, estimating the age and inclinations of the future pupil, to determine what should be started.