Photo Story-2

Photo Story-2

Funny photo

Conversation two-continuation.

And the bird flew away. She didn’t wait for you, she was a photographer.  And did not help you in this subject photography, or else-photo hunt-the coolest and fancy camera.
Have you ever wondered why many of us have no luck in creating fine masterpieces? Of course, it is simply impossible to answer this question clearly. But you can honestly admit that until I am ready to cope with the task that I wanted to implement.  And the reason one-did not carefully read the instructions, although allowed himself to buy the most expensive camera. Believe me, whatever price the camera has, she will not be able to make a single shot. It will only help you to realize your creative plan. But for this you certainly need to study your partner. To the subtlety of knowing his possibilities.

It’s not a secret. Each camera has its own stuff. And the more complex the camera, the more time you will need in its development. But not “the gods because the pots are firing.” And we are able to master all this “steepness and the Gates” of the most-most modern cameras. And our next conversation will be devoted to this very topic.
What kind of cameras do you like?  Question on the merits. In your choice will be important not only advertising, but also reviews of friends and professionals. And the charm of the seller can also influence you.  Therefore, before you decide to go to the store, you should pre-decide which camera to choose. It would be nice to know in advance how many megapixels a camera should have. By the way, the higher the number of megapixels, the better the photo will get. It is important to remember what latitude of camera sensitivity you can have while shooting. This will tell you the manufacturer of this model.

Before, for example, all these questions were solved by the units of sensitivity of the film. The lower it is, the less grain. and vice versa. On sale, very seldom, it was possible to buy a film in 250 units of sensitivity. And although the grain in the photos, at a large magnification was large and resembled the quality of large brush strokes on the canvas, however, sometimes this film had to be used, because in a dark room or with limited illumination was impossible Take a picture of the story-capture the “hero” in motion.

By the way, the increase of grain in the picture was sometimes intentionally created artificially for creative purposes. But personally I never liked the pronounced grained pictures. Therefore, special attention was paid to the careful processing of film. One day, completely accidentally, in a hurry, dissolved chemicals for film in boiling water. Despite the recommendation to dissolve the chemistry maximum at 40 degrees. All my life I used only one film solution «D-76». I wanted, already, to pour out three liters of the developer, but at his own risk, and maybe because of greed, decided to first check it.  My delight was no limit when I saw that the negatives were perfect in density and juicy on envy, and when began to print pictures, the photos from a narrow film of type “A-2”, rather high sensitivity, which used mainly Professionals looked like they were printed with a wide film. Moreover, further experiments allowed to increase the sensitivity of the film from 180 units to 400 and 800. without compromising quality. Since then I have forgotten about different grades of paper. And at that time she was determined by numbers. From number 1 to 7. That is from the paper soft tones, to super contrast. The normal paper was the third number, which I basically used. Very rarely for the achievement of a special effect, such as graphics, in the course of the 7th number. Today, graphics effects are achieved by various digital image processing programs.

Now you need to pause and understand the similarity of the film and the Matrix-the most important element of digital photography. In modern cameras, a focused survey object is reflected on the matrix. And through the technical revolution we can see this reflection and immediately if we want to correct the plot. But imagine that even some twenty years ago the phenomenon of digital photography was only for the chosen ones – the prices were strongly stinging. And so a large army of amateur photographers preferred to work with conventional film cameras. At the same time do not forget-it was a pity to part with expensive equipment, which has served you faithfully for long years.
Today these are old cameras, already a rarity. But, at that time it was quite usual, that the removable plot through the optical system was reflected on the sensitive layer of the film.  The film was stored in a lightproof cassette. And often it happened that by negligence, the cassette could open, and then it was possible to say goodbye to the whole shooting. Another time in a hurry could not as it should be gently in the dark to twist the film on the Spiral Projavochnogo cistern. And also got a big puncture.

From today’s perspective, modern science and technology has made such a giant leap that we, the elderly, have to regret that we were born too early. After all, today the role of the film, which was so much trouble, performs the matrix.  The matrix itself consists of many elements assembled into one system. It is composed of small, sort of square bricks, which the creators called pixels or dots. These pixels are calculated by millions. And imagine, the more these millions, the more clearly and qualitatively will be a picture. By the way, these “bricks” you can clearly see when on the monitor, to the limit to increase the picture. I assure you, instead of the image you will see only blurred bricks. Therefore, the main advantage of any camera is pixels. The more the better.
I hope that you have learned the basic requirement to the purchased camera. Now I would like to warn you categorically refuse to buy a camera with full automation. On the one hand it is convenient. Just think about the story and push the shutter. But the restrictions in the types of photography come when you think that the word photo, first of all, means “to write light.” And if you want to give the picture a light color, it is in this case the automation will fail. Both on the lateral drawing light, and especially on light.
Therefore, it is best to understand the shooting scenes. Moreover, today almost all cameras have so many programs that, in my opinion, most of them are completely unnecessary. The main thing to remember is that the camera had a program with the priorities of the diaphragm or shutter. and an amendment to the exposition. Plus and minus. This is especially necessary when you shoot against the light.

It is quite good, even desirable, to have programs: “Portrait Photography”, Landscape, architecture, children, for night photography can not do without the program “shooting from the hands of the Night”, sports, as well as the ability to make stereo pictures-3d. Personally for me, these are the main programs.
And also, in the conclusion of a conversation about choosing the best camera, I strongly recommend to buy not only trunk-bag for the camera, but it is very important to have different filters for the camera. On the first occasion it is enough to buy Ultra violet filter.  At first glance, it is the usual glass that will protect your lens from dust and accidental scratches. Imagine that for the Enlightenment of optics, it is applied protective coating, which is the tenth fraction of the micron. Given that the lens is the most expensive and important part of the camera, it is simply necessary to protect it. Plus, the filter will help you in shooting to overcome the haze, which our eyesight usually does not notice. And also, it is desirable to buy an additional battery for a camera. Not to confusion when shooting.

It is quite good, even desirable, to have programs: “Portrait Photography”, Landscape, architecture, children, for night photography can not do without the program “shooting from the hands of the Night”, sports, as well as the ability to make stereo pictures-3d. Personally for me, these are the main programs.
And also, in the conclusion of a conversation about choosing the best camera, I strongly recommend to buy not only trunk-bag for the camera, but it is very important to have different filters for the camera. On the first occasion it is enough to buy Ultra violet filter.  At first glance, it is the usual glass that will protect your lens from dust and accidental scratches. Imagine that for the Enlightenment of optics, it is applied protective coating, which is the tenth fraction of the micron. Given that the lens is the most expensive and important part of the camera, it is simply necessary to protect it. Plus, the filter will help you in shooting to overcome the haze, which our eyesight usually does not notice. And also, it is desirable to buy an additional battery for a camera. Not to confusion when shooting.

Written by Eugen Schlee

Translated with