Musical instruments
String Musical Instruments
Music is something that has always been with a person. With the music of the Warriors went to hikes, celebrated holidays, weddings, as well as sad events, such as funerals. Now the music surrounds the person literally everywhere. Since it is very popular, there are many genres and types of music. Accordingly there are many musical instruments, each of which can be attributed to a certain category.
String instruments are instruments in which the sound comes from the oscillation of strings. They in turn are divided into several types, despite the partial similarity of the structure-the presence of strings, the number of which can vary depending on the specific instrument. String instruments are divided into types by the way of extracting the sound – pinch, bow or blow.
Pinch instruments include guitar, balalaika, harp and others. To play them enough tweaks individual strings with your fingers or a special tool-mediator.
The most famous percussion instrument of the string is the piano. The sound comes from the impact of a small hammer on the strings. No less interesting tool of this type is clavichord. However, the sound is created in a different way: special devices Press the strings to the hard surface, so when touching, they start to oscillate, and thus create a sound.
Also partially to this type of tools it is possible to attribute some bow tools on which it is possible to extract a sound by a blow on strings.
The really instruments include violin, contrabass, viola, cello and other instruments, the sounds of which can be extracted with a special instrument – the bow. If to lead them on a string, there is a movement of a string, and therefore its oscillation and, accordingly, sound.
There are also string instruments that cannot be categorized as their structure makes it possible to extract sound in completely different ways than is presented in previous categories. For example, there is a harp, the sound from which is extracted without touching it, and if to speak more precisely-air fluctuations. Or, for example, if the strings are steel, it is possible to play on such instrument with the help of a magnetic field. It’s amazing, isn’t it? There are also more familiar ways to extract sound, but the musician does not have direct contact with the strings (for example, the same piano).
So, even on the example of one category of musical instruments, you can talk about music for hours.