Music is the energy of the mind
The right music energizes the brain
Any person has an opportunity to use music as an invigorating means. From the moment when mankind invented music, it has put it on service daily necessities. It was used, for example, as lullabies for Ubajukivanija for the night of children, or for military songs to raise the spirit of soldiers. The list of use of music is very big and long, as well as ancient history of mankind.
In our high-tech era, Alfred Tomatis (Alfred Tomatis) has created an over-technological way of unleashing the power of sound, that is, the very components that possess a real “super-power” and are able to increase the mental capabilities of man, For its recovery and energy recharge. According to Tomatis, this energy is capable of coming from sound.
However Tomatis not stopped only on invigorating music. Due to the use of rather complex equipment and through special measurements, he was able to learn exactly what sound frequencies can affect the emotional and physical level of the person: that is, either endowing the person with energy, or Deprive him of his energy.
Are you interested in learning how it works?
Tomatis made amazing conclusions. He stated the following: “The human ear is intended not only to hear, but also to energize the body and mind.” Conducting experiments with music of well-known composers such as Mozart and Bach, Tomatis noticed that fatigue and exhaustion received as a result of stresses pass at small reception by grey cells of a brain (neurons) sufficient quantity of electric Energy. So they just lack the strength. His statement is that neurons work like small electric batteries. They create in the brain of the person an electric charge, energizing them waves of a brain, in turn these waves, register on an EEG.
At first glance, you might think that these small batteries rechargeded by the function of human body metabolism, but in fact it is not. This is the discovery of Tomatis. Cell-batteries are charged with frequency sound, and cages of courts are responsible for transformation of energy coming from outside. 24600 oblong cells, which are in rows, dance to each sound. As a result of this dance energy is produced, which enters the human brain, and also partially cuts off and gets to muscles of an organism through cerebellum.
The human brain is fueled by the energy of high-frequency sounds and at the same time relieves tension from the muscles, producing different balancing of the body. And even after listening they continue their impact. This is how the technique of “super-learning” appeared. But just listening to the sounds, you don’t get the energy. Specifically, this discovery of Tomatis shows why Americans cannot get a life-time charge by listening to the sounds of Baroque music, as the inhabitants of Eastern Europe are coming. There is still something associated with hearing that produces sound pollution, as Eastern Europeans are accustomed to a good sound background.
Still Tomatis learned that there is an addictive to music in the native language. As a result of this feature people perceive music extremely differently. The range of auditions at Slavic-speakers contains sound waves of both very low and very high frequencies, and in the American and British adverbs the case is still.
Is there a chance to restore hearing?
And here comes to the aid of the technique of “tomatis”. It is to update the hearing using sounds. As paradoxical as it may sound, Tomatis turned to the healing effect of sounds and music.
Tomatis says: “Ears exist in order to benefit the individual from the point of view of physics and psychiatry.” For enlightenment of reason it is necessary sounds with frequency up to 8000 Hz as they recharge “brain batteries” much faster. Tomatis also found that the music of classical composers, such as Mozart, is more of a high-frequency sound. Therefore, recharging the brain is faster. However, parallel to this he learned that low frequencies of sound affect both the brain and the human body negatively. For example, the sounds of airports and factories. And beating notes and beats in rock music “absorb the mind.”
Translated with bing.com