Maestro Niccolo Paganini
Your way out, Maestro!
This magic word, addressed to the artist, every time involuntarily forces hyperventilate to beat his heart. But not Infirst, recognized throughout Europe, the violinist Devil, so called Niccolo Paganini his detractors and envious, overcomes the fear of entering the stage. A few moments he comes to himself from the excitement that suddenly engulfed him. For how many years, he conquers these literally ten meters-from the stage to the stage, struggling with excitement, and can not cope with this state of the soul. Always going through. As if for the first time goes under the bright light ramps. The hall is waiting for a miracle.
Here the Maestro drew the violin to the chin, caressed the strings with a gentle movement of his hand, and the bow slid gently over them. The hall froze from the endearing heart and soul of music. Even his enemies could not restrain delight. and succumbing to the general impulse furiously together with the hall shouted: Bravo, maestro, Bravo!… But especially tried to shout all the young and very charming ladies.
Dozens of legends about the maestro has brought to US history and if to believe them, the “first violin” of Italy, as the name Niccolo, was treated to a beautiful floor estimated meticulously. First of all, it was attracted by graceful feminine forms of violins in a lush bust and long slender legs. How many heart novels are attributed to Niccolo-not to consider. Early beginning of concert activity and freed, thus, from excessive guardianship of parents, it on the full reel is given to “joys of life”.
As the story, or legend, the first muse still very young passionately vljubchivogo Niccolo became a beautiful “Signora dide”. He lived with her for three years. It was she who devoted 12 sonatas for violin and guitar.
But a special lovingness, originating the upper mind, constantly makes in his fate steep turns. The next pass for Niccolo was Napoleon’s eldest sister Princess Eliza, whom Bonaparte, removing her from Paris, gives the duchy of Lucca. In a short time, on her errand, Niccolo creates a court orchestra here and becomes not only Kapellmeister-conductor, but also receives the title of the first violin of the Republic of Lucca.
Paganini has a unique opportunity to organize unique concerts of the orchestra and the solo during religious holidays in the cathedral, where the amazing acoustics turned the game on the violin in the Divine Sound, sent from heaven. At the same time as regular concerts, he gives violin lessons to Prince Felice Bochokki, Eliza’s husband.
Love and gentle relationship with the Princess do wonders. Niccolo with frantic inspiration and love creates his best works. And once he composes, became famous, “Love duet”. Where only two strings sound. The game of this work is reminiscent of a duet of guitar and violin. These strings, as if imitate a heartfelt conversation of two hearts.
There was no limit to the princess’s delight. She already, capriciously inflated lips, requires new discoveries. And immediately tells the idea-to create a work that can be filled on a single string. He complied with this request and devoted his military sonata to Brother Elise. Called it “Napoleon”.
As it is known “nothing is eternal under the moon”. Paganini became a burden of monotony. His oppresses unimaginable idleness. The quivering creative soul yearned for new impressions. Big concert halls. New meetings with viewers… It was difficult for him to persuade Elisa of his desire to leave the Republic. and was happy when she gave her “goodness.”
Touring completely absorbed it. Vienna, Berlin, Paris, London… Not all European capitals, which applauded the unsurpassed skill of violin virtuoso from Italy, are listed. And one day he met her. One accidentally thrown out of sight in her side sufficed to understand-this is the woman whom he dreamed to meet all his life. Although embarrassed the age difference. He is 34 years-Antonia Bianca only 22. But everything took place exactly as their hearts were mutually desired.
Antonia, surprisingly, was a wonderful voice. And that sounds her touching mezzo-soprano, and mutely, quietly with the chords, sing her guitar strings… These were the real happiest moments of Niccolo Paganini’s life.
But Antonio sings not only under the guitar. Together with Niccolo and orchestra they make up a big program. In some rooms of which, the voices of Antonio and violin are sounding and inimitable. It is performed not only classical and compositions of Paganini, but also melodic Italian songs.
Soon the couple is born a son. At will Niccolo named him with Achilles. Now the father has one goal. Not only to raise a son, but also to fully provide him with a life of no poverty. And it was possible to achieve only tireless work. From 1828-1834 year he gave more than a hundred concerts. managed to earn a huge fortune. But frequent performances, practically, take away from him the last forces. Creepy, grueling cough smothers him.
Doctors, examined it, recommended, as soon as possible to change the dank and humid climate of Europe, which for consumptive very dangerous, and return to Italy. And he, heeding their advice, returns to the city of his childhood-Genoa. But he is no longer happy with anything. So he chose to return to his home in Palermo. He is less likely to see his neighbors, and he can no longer leave the bed. The powers finally leave it. And one evening, not changing his habit, he memorises the last time a love look lying next to the bed violin. His best and devoted friend. Mentally he, as though continues unfinished conversation with it. The hand reached to the vulture of the pet, but barely touching it abruptly falls.
In the morning doctors stated death. It happened on May 27, 1840. Fate released him only 57 years. But not soon his funeral took place. The church, pursuing it as a godless, and as a soul-giver of the violinist, did not allow the devil to bury him in the Italian land. If during the life of the Niccolo Church could not realize its grievances to the violin virtuoso, because he did not wish to devote to the Church of any work, as not in the example he was made by many famous composers. But now, especially zealous, could avenge him helpless.
Embalmed body was lying in the basement of his house for more than a year. Then, the wagon, under the control of the son of Achilles, moved into the path of finding peace and shelter in the land, for the great musician. But in whatever area of Italy there was a coffin with Niccolo, everywhere persecuted his churchmen. And only after 47 years the body Niccolo Paganini has at the cemetery in Palermo. And although it has been almost two hundred years since the death of the musician and composer, but still there are legends about a great citizen of Italy. For example, the inhabitants of St. Honore Island tell that on the coastal cliffs, formerly completely naked, where long time was kept the coffin of Paganini, rose surprisingly beautiful blue lilies. At night, during the storm and through the noise of the howlings wind, the sounds of falling trees and shouts of frightened birds and animals, so reminiscent of the sounds of the violin, which in the hands of Niccolo able to imitate any sounds, burst. And people think that this is the maestro himself again personally involved in this representation of nature.
Written by Eugen Schlee
Translated with bing.com