How to start playing bass guitar
Bass guitar-The first steps for beginners.
The increase in popularity of jazz has led to that ensembles performing this music, began to tour a lot. Bass was the main bass instrument of those years. With the advent of the first electric appeared the need for a tool that will ensure the sound of this range will be more loud and not so cumbersome. That’s why Leo Fender developed and released his first bass guitar in the early 1950s.
Together with percussion instruments, the rhythm section of the group (the basis of any composition), the bass guitar still differs from the usual guitar:
• More massive body;
• In the classical version-it is a CHETYREHSTRUNNYJ tool (there are also five-or six);
• The strings are thicker;
• The neck is much larger in length (respectively, scale longer);
• Sounds an octave lower.
Of course, learn to play better on your guitar, as this tool will always be there, and you will be able to “get used to it”. Beginners are easier to start on the Chetyrjohstrunnom standard version, because the neck of such a guitar is narrower, and you can perform on it almost all the games written for the bass. Also, do not immediately set ambitious goals and buy a tool with a bezladovym neck and a large excels (length of stretched strings). Of course, these guitars sound differently, and maybe later you can play on them. But first you need to have a visual notation of the notes, and not to pick them up by ear, as the Masters do on Bezladovyh basses.
Then you should decide whether you want to learn to play guitar or still with the help of a teacher. Undoubtedly, the second variant is much better, as the expert will give more knowledge and, if necessary, will indicate errors, help them to eliminate. But if there is no such possibility in your locality point, you can use video lessons on the internet and self-teachers. This way is more difficult and will have to force itself. After all, where paid for lessons, it is easier to fight laziness and less excuses. Yes, and the teacher’s praise stimulates too. But if you have decided to master this tool, it is unlikely that something will stop you.
So, we started.
1. Choose the correct position of the guitar.
Playing the bass guitar can be both standing and sitting. It is important to choose a position convenient for you and to hold the tool at an angle of 30 ° in order not to have to bend the brush too much.
2. Tune the guitar.
There are several ways to do this: by ear or by means of a tuner. Now there are many programs on the Internet that help musicians in different issues of this kind. Any on-line tuner (it is possible with the help of a microphone or without it) will help you to adjust on a hearing. If you do not trust your hearing, buy a real analogue of this device that will help you to do it. This is a simple electronic device that greatly simplifies this process. And if you are going to continue to perform, it is irreplaceable when setting up in noisy places.
3. We try to “sound”.
This guitar, unlike others, does not use the “combat” method. The extraction of sound occurs more by the method of “pinch”, “brute”, and also with the use of a mediator. To start, you should master the game with two fingers, gaining experience, you can go to the game three. Try not to pull strong strings. If you think the guitar sounds quiet, add better sound to the amplifier.
4. Read “tabs”.
Even without knowing the musical notation, you can play the guitar using tablature. This is a simplified musical record for guitarists, where you specify the strings that you want to pull and which fingers to clamp the frets.
5. Develop game speed.
No matter how boring the gammas may seem to you, there is no one musician without them. Only in this way it is possible to work out speed and mobility of fingers which is so important for any guitarist.
6. Keep the rhythm.
No matter how you possess the technique, but without the ability to keep the rhythm of a good bass player will not. The best way to do this is by using a metronome. It is possible to use the help of Internet resources or to take advantage of the device tested by many great musicians.
This is the very basics of starting a bass guitar game. Do not rush to perform complex works at once, observe the rule of gradualness, moving from simple to complex. Only when you are sure that you are easy to perform simple exercises, go to master more complex. To achieve success, you need to have patience, a great desire and not to swerve from the intended path.
Translated with bing.com