History of the violin
Love Story-violin!
Do you know that over the appearance and sound, habitual to our sight and hearing-musical instrument violin-mankind has spent several hundreds years.
But even more interesting is the fact that its invention worked not only the countries of southern Europe, but in its creation took the most active part of the Arab world, Persia and India, by the way, and Poles pretend to be the creator of this miracle-instrument. And all because in Polish the violin is called as “Skripica”. And Russian historians also do not remain aloof-in Russia in the fifteenth century there was already a tool “Skripel”. But, anyway, we should thank the heavens for giving us this miracle, the name of which is the violin. By the way, at the very beginning of the way the violin was considered a tool mostly and sounded usually in taverns and taverns. Only with time she managed to conquer large concert halls, and many composers, admiring the sounding of an amazing instrument began to write specially for it their works.
Today it is not accidental that the violin is called the “Queen of the Orchestra”, because without it it is impossible to imagine a modern orchestra, where dominant solo parties are allotted to her-the Queen. And this deserved high title violin has been in use for more than four centuries. It not only soloist in the orchestra, but also effectively, depending on the artist and the work, can act independently, causing the listener different emotions. From delight to tears emotion. It would be interesting to know how to formed the shape of modern violin? But I warn in advance that historians of many countries still pretend that they were born this miracle. I will not challenge their assertions, because, as you know, the truth is always somewhere in the middle. But do not bring the results of their research-just do not have the right.
So, the history of the creation of the violin… First of all it is necessary to name the bow: Arabic rebab, German company and the Spanish Fidel. All of them appeared in the beginning of the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. They were the harbingers of the creation of Viola and violin. Viola, of course, appeared much earlier. And before becoming a “beautiful princess,” she went through various stages of perfection. At first it was played standing. Then held on his knees. And only later Viola migrated on his shoulder. Which led to the idea of developing the instrument itself, as well as creating a completely new, more graceful form-violin.
The sixteenth century with full confidence can be called the age of the violin. For its manufacture are taken Italian masters. Before that, they produced viola and lute. And the first master who created the modern violin became Gaspar Bertolotti. He gave the instrument an ideal form and applied the best materials in its manufacture.
Diffi trouble is the beginning. and the relay for the improvement of appearance and sounding took the family Amati. Having excellent hearing and impeccable taste, they were able to bring the timbre of the violin to perfection and make it more profound and gentle, and the nature of the sound depending on the work and the artist, more multifaceted. And most importantly, the master-violin, as well as the voice of man, could transmit the mood of the violinist virtuoso. His feelings and emotions. The violin sang. Piercing and shrill. Not leaving a single listener indifferent.
Bertolotti and Amati stood at the origins of the birth of a unique instrument. Each of them had their own special secrets in the manufacture of parts and varnishes to cover the surfaces, which gave the violins a unique sound. By the way, so far many scientists-chemists have not revealed the secret of these varnishes. It is also impossible to unravel the mystery of making violins of the most famous masters Guarneri and Stradivari. Today it is absolutely impossible to buy a violin master. Too expensive their price is a whole fortune. And they own real performers-virtuosos, whose concerts are impossible to get tickets. Because each of us craves a meeting with real music and with pleasure in a hurry to a concert for violin and orchestra. There is no greater delight than to hear the unique sound of violins created by hands of great masters, each of which has its own special voice. Amazingly divine. Not like any instrument by sound.
Written by Eugen Schlee
Translated with bing.com