History of Balalaika
Balalaika-Symbol of the Russian people
Many hundreds of years are known in Russia balalaika. The biggest spread she received in the eighteenth, nineteenth centuries. Under it danced on holidays, it sounded also at fairs. There are even fairy tales about balalaika.
The ancient stringed instrument is a relative of guitar, mandolin, lute, domra. According to some versions, it was from Domra and occurred balalaika. On Domra was similar round form balalaika, but then it has changed. Now the balalaika has a triangular body, or in the form of a hemisphere and a long neck. The case is always wooden. The balalaika consists of only three strings. The sound is extracted with the help of tweaks or brjacanja, that is, simultaneously hitting with a finger on three strings at once.
The name of the tool “Balalaika”, presumably, came from the word “ramble”, much and fast to speak. Balalaika was considered a prostonarodnym tool, but once a lover of music Vasily Andreev decided to refine the instrument and bring it to the concert halls. According to him, the design was slightly altered. Deco began to make from Spruce. The back of the balalaika has since been made of beech. Balalaika a little shortened. The string stand is made of maple. It is very important that the balalaika be made of good quality materials and these sorts of wood. In addition, it is very important that the surface is smooth, and the string stand is tightly prizhimalas to the deck. Do not recommend to make a stand of black wood, bone and soft wood. This weakens the sound of the instrument. The height of the stand is also important. If the stand is too high or low, the sound changes for the worse. The strings are used in metal and wire.
In addition, Balalaika acquired brothers of different sizes, they were named Viola, bass, second, Prima, contrabass and Piccolo. Vasily Andreev himself played on new instruments, opened first the circle, and then the orchestra. The orchestra consists mainly of Balalaikas of different sizes. The Andreev Orchestra is pleased with its concerts so far.
Tune Balalaika differently. There is a folk and academic style (introduced by Andreev). In addition, in different regions balalaika also set up differently. The sound balalaika very ringing, but, soft enough.
In the orchestra, Balalaika can play a solo and secondary role. In the orchestra Balalaika sounds surprisingly nursery and fervent.
Balalaika became a real symbol of the Russian people. This is especially noticeable by what is known about Russian foreigners, along with Garmonju, dolls and bears.
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