Girl and violin
Vanessa Mae – Oriental Emerald
It really makes an unforgettable impression. A low-growth, graceful figure and these amazingly beautiful slanting eyes. Real Oriental Emerald, Iskusnejshej cut. And then the bow slightly touched the strings, and Vanessa begins to play the violin.
Listening to her game, unwittingly oter in the bliss of beautiful sounds. And the violin is Raspevno singing, then passing on quiet whisper, as if complaining only to you alone on the hard life and immediately as if turns all told to you personally, in a mockery, fun laughing… Glanced at the performer and was astonished. In the rhythm of music moves all her flexible body and eyes, then widely mesmerizing open, then mysteriously squint. And all this together: both the music and the artist creates a stunning unforgettable effect. Before us really real violin virtuoso. and any musical theme, which sounds in the performance of Vanessa, whether it be classics or her personal work, and they have dozens, listen with gusto and gratitude.
Today Vanessa may heads the world list of virtuoso violinists. She as well as David Garrett is included in the book of Records Guinness, for that at thirteen age has recorded violin concerto of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, as the youngest executor.
One of his first compositions Vanessa devoted her favorite dog, the Rock of the Sharpe, which died, hitting a motorcycle. This whole concert for violin became the present application for that the big master took place. But Vanessa Mae is still ahead. And so…
She’s in a hurry to live. As if afraid of not having time to fulfill the life creed on this earth. Do not parting with the violin, it becomes an actress movie. He is filmed in many TV series, at the same time engaged in charitable activities. gives free concerts to help disadvantaged children. And also personally helps talented children. A normal person would suffice, as they say, under the roof, but it is not about Vanessa. She even does alpine skiing. Moreover, she became a participant of the Sochi Olympics in March 2014, where she represented her father’s homeland Thailand. Although she has not achieved victory among the world’s famous athletes in the mountain giant slalom, but it is important to participate.
Recently, it became known that Vanessa changed her second homeland England. and moved to Switzerland. To be in the free time of the tour, to be tightly engaged in alpine skiing. Although London will remain for her the most important city in her destiny. Who became not only the second motherland, but also the city where its birth was held, as a great violinist virtuoso.
From early childhood she is in love with music. And her favorite musical instruments are violin and piano. And she devoted herself to it without any residue.
The story of the violin, piano and little girl Mei started in Singapore. Where she was born on October 27, 1978. If you inadvertently paid attention to Vanessa’s birthday, it coincides with the birthday of Niccolo Paganini. I do not want to go into mysticism, but fate it has already been predestined to follow in the footsteps of the great violinist.
And while playing the piano she was fascinated at triennial age, and she had no other hobby then, as suddenly, unexpectedly her mother, née Chinese, divorced her father-Thai, and… Vanessa and her mother were in England. And soon the girl had a stepfather-Graham Nicholson, a lawyer by profession.
Stepfather, noticing the love of the adopted daughter to music and her perfect hearing and memory, unobtrusively, in the form of a passionate game began to teach her to play the violin. Gradually turning the house into a musical salon. At first, she was accompanied by a piano playing the violin, then they changed roles. So I gradually became fascinated by Vanessa playing the violin. Without which from that time she simply does not imagine herself. And also, the stepfather has awakened in it love to mountains and extreme kind of sports-mountain skis. Family in it fearlessness and ability to overcome any difficulties. And today the mountains help her to survive the stress, cheer up and tune in to the working mood. In this way, the stepfather helped to process this bright oriental diamond in Vanessa’s face.
Graham Nicholson became a thoughtful educator for her. Encouraged her success and helped to approve the work. Since that time, it is possible to say, and began to develop her composer talent. At first, the processing of famous musical works in a modern way, and then went their own compositions. Today it is difficult to count-how many music opuses is created by it, but the fact that more than a dozen discs have been released is a reality. More accurate account of all her creative victories, of course, lead fans, which in every country of the world thousands.
So, her life milestones. At the age of eight, Vanessa became the winner of the competition for young pianists in England. At the age of nine, she was the first violinist to perform in 1987 with the Philharmonic Orchestra, in the Great Concert Hall of London. The success was staggering. It was he who determined her further fate as a virtuoso violinist. And when Vanessa turns 10 years old parents give her invaluable violin “Gizmo” Works violin master from Italy Gvadanini, created by him in 1761 year. If you are interested in how much the violin costs, the price is not small, just below the cost of the violin of the famous master Stradivari.
At age 11, Vanessa is the youngest student of the Royal College of Music. Here for six months learns the technical peculiarities of playing the violin.
By the way, the story of the violin, donated by the parents. She happened a lot of stories. First. On some of the tour, we will not indicate where, she stole this very expensive tool. The best police forces were involved in her quest. And eventually the violin returned to the hostess.
Another story of the violin was no less tragic. One day May on the eve of the concert smashed her miracle violin. I had to turn to the best restorers. A few weeks later they regained her. Vanessa believes that after the restoration she began to sound not worse, and even better.
Violin “Gizmo ” is not the only one in the arsenal of Vanessa Mae. In her concert activity she actively uses electro violins made in America at the firm Zeta Jazz Model. Especially often we see in her concerts a white violin decorated with flowers of the American flag. And she also has three violins-electric-companies Ted Brewer Violins. By the way, Vanessa often buys this kind of violins, obkatyvaet them at concerts, and then sells them at charitable auctions. That far exceeds their normal sales value. So the charitable funds are periodically transferred a decent amount.
And recently in the distant Cosmos scientists have opened a new star asteroid “103 13” and astronomers decided to give her the name of Vanessa Mae. So now the name of Vanessa Sparkles with a new force. As the most valuable diamond.
Written by Eugen Schlee
Translated with bing.com